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Our Natural Clear Crystal Dead Sea Bath Salts is 100% pure. A bath instantly relieves aches and pains in people with stiff joints and aching muscles. Ideal for disinfecting and purifying the skin of pollutants and toxins. This bath soak works wonders to effectively remove dead skin from the body, showing newer, smoother, and younger-looking skin.

The salt’s excellent antibacterial and antifungal properties help clean the pores thoroughly by extracting impurities, oils, and dirt, leaving a clearer complexion. Also, very gentle on sensitive skin and those who are having different skin allergies.

Your skin will feel soft, hydrated, nourished, and rejuvenated.

Special Note: Heart patients must follow their physician’s advice before taking baths in which magnesium is present.

How To Use

  • For total relaxation: Pour 1 cup or more, up to 3 cups, into warm bathwater. Relax for 20-30 minutes or as long as needed for optimal results; repeat daily or once per week.

Rinse in lukewarm water or cool water.

  • For Skin Issues: Use one tablespoon of salt to 3 tablespoons in a small bowl of warm water. Apply to affected areas, leave on 30 minutes, or be left overnight and rinse off in the morning.
  • For Facial Toner: Use one tablespoon of salt to 3 tablespoons in a small bowl of warm water. Leave on 10 – 15 minutes and rinse with tepid water.
  • For Scalp issues, such as dandruff and dry scalp – use as a pre-treatment before shampoos use one tablespoon of salt to 3 tablespoons in a small bowl of warm water, then apply with a cotton ball to the scalp and massage rigorously. Cover with a hot/warm towel and wait 20-30 minutes, then rinse and use the shampoo for your hair type or dandruff shampoo.Tip: Use this bath salt in the spa tub and or regular tub for health and wellness.


Dead Sea Clear Salt Crystal – Soothes sore joints and muscles:
Bromide – Helps ease muscle cramps, while the anti-inflammatory and detoxifying agents help reduce joint swelling, soreness, and stiffness.